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This table is comparing the photobooth-app with other open source photobooth software. Commercial software like DSLRbooth is not taken into account.

Feature photobooth-app PhotoboothProject PiBooth
last commit to the photobooth-app project last commit pibooth last commit
GitHub commit activity GitHub commit activity GitHub commit activity
Stars ✨ GitHub Repo stars GitHub Repo stars GitHub Repo stars
Automated testing including hardware codecov ❌ codecov
first version release 2023 2016 2017
Community βž•βž• βž•βž•βž• βž•
Reference system incl Box design βœ… ❌ ❌
Supported Cameras and Image Features
Raspberry Pi Cameras: Picamera2 βœ… ⏺️2 ⏺️1
DSLR: Gphoto2 βœ… βœ…2 βœ…
DSLR: Digicamcontrol βœ… βœ…2 ❌
Webcameras: opencv2 βœ… βœ…2 βœ…
Webcameras: v4l2py βœ… ❌ ❌
Camera live preview streaming βœ… ⏺️ ❌
Image Features and Postprocessing
Capture single picture βœ… βœ… βœ…
Capture collages βœ… βœ… βœ…
Capture animated GIF βœ… ❌ ❌
Capture video βœ… ❌ ❌
Instagram-Like Image Filter βœ… ❌ ❌
Background removal: Chromakeying βœ… βœ… ❌
Add predefined background βœ… βœ… ❌
Add frame with transparency to pictures βœ… βœ… ❌
Gallery local display βœ… βœ… ❌
Gallery external access via IP βœ… βœ… ❌
Sync images to USB drive βœ… βœ… ❌
Share images online via QR code βœ… ⏺️3 βœ…
Printing βœ… βœ… βœ…
Customizable Theme βœ… βœ… ❌
Translateable βœ… βœ… βœ…
Peripheral Integration
Configurable GPIO trigger (RPI) βœ… βœ… βœ…
Configurable keyboard trigger βœ… βœ… ❌
ws281x to signal capture βœ… ❌ ❌
REST-API βœ… ❌ ❌
Admin Backend βœ… βœ… ❌
Admin Configuration Panel βœ… βœ… ❌
Admin Backend Protected βœ… βœ… ❌
Plugin Architecture βœ… ❌ βœ…
Supported OS
Raspberry Pi Bookworm βœ… βœ… ❌
Debian/Ubuntu βœ… βœ… βœ…
Windows βœ… βœ… ❌

  1. Picamera1 only, modules <= v2.1 only, no camera module 3 supported ↩

  2. Integrated via command line interface and external programs ↩↩↩↩

  3. Manual custom sync to implement or client need to access wifi accesspoint ↩